Welcome to Its Debbies way!

My whole life I have been focused on being thin, and trying to find a way to be and stay thin. As all of us have, I have tried many things to find that one diet or exercise routine that make my wishes come true. 

The first thing that started me on my path was moving out of my parents’ house. I was not in control of what I ate and when I would eat. I figured out how to eat without going on diets, losing weight naturally and not feeling deprived. 

I found I had to do it my way and I had to figure out what worked for me without worrying about others. 

It is funny people think I am a picky eater, well that is not true I eat a lot of different foods that is outside the meat and potato world.  I actually eat more of a variety of foods than most people. True, I tend not to eat a lot of red meat or fried foods, but have found ways to cook and substitute these foods that are just as good and better for you. I guess I like to call what I eat as real food or clean food, but I do love my pizza, fresh bread and English toffee.

 Remember this is what I have developed over many years. My first suggestion is to focus on one thing and do it consistently and build from there. It’s “YOUR WAY”!!!

The reason my site is call “It’s Debbies Way” is because I have taken all the recipes that I have cooked over the years and made them my own. My daughter used to joke that these were my creations and you never knew what you were going to get. I like to do things my own way and now I want to share with others. Its not about how the dish looks it is how it taste in the end that is important.

Little Deb.